yosemite, ca

[before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting, you are God] psalm 90.2
This was my first time to Yosemite. Jeff and I have been meaning to go for so long until finally we decided to get up dirty early and make the drive from SF to Yosemite to catch the sunrise at Glacier Point. I can't even describe how M A J E S T I C this place is. The mountains tower over the landscape making trees look like ants and humans look like specs. I've never been anywhere like it and I can't wait to go back and explore even more. I've also never seen so many stars in my life.
+ the majestic hotel
+ pizza deck
+ deli board
+ bring your own picnic!
+ glacier point
+ taft point
+ vernal falls
+ nevada falls
+ the meadows