Lower Antelope Canyon, Arizona

I remember the first time I saw photos of these canyons I thought there was no way a place like this exists on earth. I've been dying to go here and experience it for myself. God creates the most beautiful places.
This place is absolutely gorgeous but [real talk] it is very touristy. You can choose between Upper Antelope Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon. With Upper, the canyon is [A] shaped which means a wide floor and narrow top. This gives you light beams but it also means you'll have a very hard time getting people out of your shot unless you pay up for the photography tour which can run from $80 - $120. Pro Tip: if you decide on this one get tickets in advance as they sell out. With lower, the [A] shape is upside down meaning a narrow floor and wider top. We were so glad we did lower because it was still packed with people, but at least we were able to get photos without people in them.
There are two tours you can choose from: 1. Ken's Tours and 2. Lower Antelope Canyon Tours. You can buy tickets at the ticket window at the entrance of the canyon with both tours being $33 (includes Navajo nation fee). Everyone goes in the same canyon the same way so it doesn't matter which you choose (we did Ken's Tour). Our tour started at 9:20 AM and we got out at 10:45 AM. We were so lucky with the light because it was just turning from purple to pink to orange throughout our walk.
Even though this is very touristy and you'll be moved through the canyon quickly, its so very worth it. It's also a 15 minute drive from Horseshoe Bend!
hat // yellow108
shirt // alameda flea
pants // brandymelville
boots // blundstone